I know that the whole idea of local hookups may seem fantastic to many guys. It really is. It’s easy to see why. After all, who wouldn’t want to hook up with women in your area?
We’re talking about hookups. We’re not talking about dating. Hooking up and dating are two totally different things.
The traditional date is actually quite a mixed bag. We’re talking about showing up and taking her to a special place. Maybe it’s a restaurant. Maybe it’s a park. Maybe it’s a local carnival.
Whatever it is, you’re supposed to set up a very special experience. You’re supposed to soak up each other’s emotional signals and essentially become comfortable with each other. It’s a long drawn out process and there are a lot of emotions involved.
Hooking up is the complete opposite. Hooking up is simply just meeting somebody at a certain place and a certain date to fuck. In many cases, hooking up locally doesn’t even involve knowing the other person’s name. As long as you know that they’re disease-free, that’s good to go. As long as you’re playing with protection, that’s good to go.
These are two totally different things. Don’t confuse local hookups with dating somebody locally. They are one hundred eighty degree opposites of each other.
It’s easy to see why a lot of people think local hookups are pipe dreams. Why? It seems to be too good to be true. It’s like it packaged all of your typical guy’s fantasies and made them a reality. Most guys would be very suspicious if you told them, "Yes, I can hook you up with everything that you want from a date and leave behind all the things that make you uncomfortable."
The truth is, thanks to technology like mobile apps, online classifieds ads, and free adult dating sites, it’s easier to hook up now than ever before. In fact, it’s just a simple case of swiping through several pictures at an app and finally having that experience culminate with you sticking your dick into some hot tight pussy. I don’t want to make this sound like some sort of adult porno story, but that’s the truth. Hooking up is that easy.
With that said, there are some pitfalls you need to be aware of. While it’s easier to hook up now, you have to remember that a lot of the profiles that you see online, whether through a mobile app or through a website, are fake. The reason why people take the time to make up these fake accounts is because they’re trying to make money. If you go on Tinder and you swipe on a good-looking woman’s photo, she would start to chat with you. It turns out, a lot of the times, that you’re actually chatting with a piece of software. Eventually, that piece of software would tell you to click on a link.
Be on the lookout for spam shenanigans. There are a lot of those. With that said, enjoy your adventure because there are going to be a lot of very interesting experiences up ahead.