You have to remember that your life is an echo of what you’re thinking. I know that this is probably not the kind of thing that you want to read. You’re probably reading this sex blog so you can find sex online. You might be asking, “What the fuck does self-realization and self-image have to do with finding sex online?” Well, I’m telling you right now, the answer is: everything.
You see, whatever success you achieve outside of yourself is a reflection of what is going on in between your ears. Put simply, if you believe in the right things, the right things will happen. Why? When you think the right way and you assume the right things and you expect the right things, you will do the right things.
You see, the world doesn’t give a damn about what you’re thinking, about what your intentions are, or what your motivations are. It could care less. The road to hell, after all, is paved with bad intentions. Intentions are a dime a dozen. Intentions are often flushed down the toilet because, like assholes, everybody has an intention. That’s how cheap intentions are.
The world cares about what you do. The world cares about your actions. In short, the world cares about results. If you have been having a tough time finding sex online, it’s maybe because of the fact that you’re focusing on the wrong things.
Most guys are sexual pigs. I know that sounds rough. I know that sounds rude. But it’s the absolute truth. By pigs I’m talking about selfish creatures. Look at how many guys cannot stop thinking about hot teens! We think that most females are simply created for our pleasure. With that kind of thinking there’s really not much difference between jerking yourself off with your palm and sticking your penis in a woman. It’s as if the woman isn’t there. It’s as if you’re just pleasing yourself. Do you see how selfish that is?
Sex is all about a two way interaction. You’re communicating not just with your words, you’re communicating also with your body, and most importantly, your presence. You create chemistry together. You create a tremendous amount of biochemical electricity together. Don’t let that go to waste. By having the right mindset, you let women know that you are looking for a real sex partner.
Now I’m not talking about getting all emotionally engaged. I’m not talking about emotional strings attached. I’m not talking about any of that shit. What I’m talking about is that you communicate to women, in no uncertain terms, that you want to engage them in a way that they would find interesting. This would make you stand apart because most guys are pigs. This would make you look like a real human lover.